The Intercom CIC-408 Talk-Back system provides bidirectional communication between a master station and other substations (communication between the substations is not possible).
The communication is established by line selection in the master station. A CALL from a talk-back speaker appears in the master as an intermittent green LED in the correspondent line key. Pressing the selection key establishes the communication with the line. Several lines can be selected simultaneously either individually, or all of them at the same time with the ALL key.
A steady green LED signals the lines selected in the keyboard. This allows communication from the master to several substations simultaneously, and also from the substations to the master adding the audio from the substations in the master speaker.
With up to 20 lines selection, is built with 2W speaker, microphone, PTT and control keyboard (volume control in 6dB steps, illumination control- light intensity, selection of lines). It also contains a connector for external PTT and microphone.
The equipment is made of aluminum. Mechanical parts are high-resistance and low-weight. Easy to use; easy to install.